The Student Health and Wellness Center is not currently offering nursing services
due to staffing. Some services might not be available.
Columbia College Health Services offers students:
Evaluation of minor illness and injuries - We provide first aid for our campus community and evaluation of illnesses in the
office or via secure zoom. If you need more than we offer on campus, we can refer
you to a place in the community. We can help you make appointments, find addresses
and phone numbers, help to get you where you need to go.
Medications - Ibuprofen, acetaminophen, cough drops, hydrocortisone cream, Kleenex, and more over
the counter medications are free to students at the health center.Certain medications unavailable while nursing services are not offered.
Condoms - Condoms are free in the health office. More family planning services and supplies
can be found at the local Tuolumne County Public Health Department through their Family
PACT program. Call 533-7400 for more information.
Resting Bed - The health office has a room in the back with a place for students to lie down
and take a short nap. When the nurse is not in, the resting room is not for students
who are feeling ill.
Health Information -Health Services has a wealth of free information on a variety of health topics.
Smoking Cessation - Stop-Smoking kits are available for students.
Tuberculosis Skin Testing -Staff and students may find they need a tuberculosis (tb) skin test. These are offered
Monday thru Wednesdays. Please plan to return two days after the initial test for
the results to be read.
COVID-19 Tests - Tests are available for students and staff and can be found in the Student Health
and Wellness Center located in the Pinyon building and at the Welcome Desk located
in the upper part of the Manzanita building.
Flu Kits - Tissues, hand cleaner, cough drops, tea, thermometer, fever medications, and information.
Do You Have Medi-Cal?
For Medi-Cal Anthem Blue Cross Members, LiveHealth offers access to doctors and other
healthcare providers 24/7! Click the button below for more information.
We have a licensed counselor offering free, private and confidential counseling appointments
on campus to registered students. Appointments made by contacting the Health Services
office at (209) 588-5283. Click the button below for more information.
Students are eligible to receive support in accessing resources related to their basic
needs (such as housing, food, health care, transportation, child care, and more).
Click the button below!
The Health Services Association California Community Colleges (HSACCC) has partnered
with the CVC-OEI and the Foundation for California Community Colleges to introduce
Wellness Central. With over 25 modules on helpful health and wellness topics including
Stress Management, Food Resources, Homeless Help, Anxiety, Depression, Cold and Flu,
Natural Remedies, Foster Youth, Veterans, First Aid, Nutrition, Birth Control and
More! Click the button below to learn more!
If you are concerned about a student or have been involved in or witnessed a situation
that is distressing, disruptive, or dangerous anywhere on campus please let a member
of the CCAT Team know by filling out the CCAT Reporting Form.
Contact Info
Campus Location: Pinyon
Hours: Fall/Spring: Monday through Friday 9AM- 4:00PM