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Collection Development

The Library collects materials to support the Columbia College mission in accordance with YCCD Board Policies 6030, 4-8061 and 6045. Towards that end, we strive to provide materials:

  • relevant to current and projected class assignments
  • representative of the many different sides of a particular debate or topic
  • suggested by faculty and other experts as being relevant to the field and/or their students’ learning favorably reviewed by sources well-regarded in the industry
  • that strengthen the breadth and depth of our collection
  • of local interest because of geography, history or other close connections
  • that promote and encourage reading by all patron populations
  • typical of small, rural, academic libraries
  • reflective of the complex nature of topics on local, national and international levels
  • that allow us to maximize available funds

All items are evaluated for appropriateness for our collection prior to acquisition. This can include:

  • a positive review in an industry recognized publication
  • holdings by other academic libraries, specifically those serving California community colleges
  • first hand evaluation by a faculty member in a related discipline

Some exceptions to the above criteria are made for items of significant local importance that are unlikely to be widely-known outside of our immediate geographic area.


To maintain a relevant collection and to maximize available space, the Library regularly evaluates its collection and removes outdated, superseded, no longer needed and/or deteriorated materials. The basic process recognizes that different parts of the collection require a different approach because of subject matter and format.


  1. Identify areas of the collection in need of review based on when they were last evaluated
  2. Determine individual items within a given area should be looked at. Consider:
    • Date of publication and/or addition to the collection appropriate for a given subject
    • The item’s condition
    • Alternatives available in collection (i.e. strength of area of the collection)
    • Current and projected course offerings
    • Availability and ease of access from other institutions
    • Frequency of use
  3. Isolate items under consideration for further evaluation
  4. Solicit feedback from relevant faculty regarding suitability for retention, replacement or withdrawal

The final decision for withdrawal and/or replacement is made by the Faculty Librarian. Withdrawn materials are immediately discarded.