Columbia College recognizes that students who have been, or are in, the foster care
system often face significant challenges compared to those who have been raised in
more traditional environments. In order to support current or former foster youth
to overcome these challenges and reach their educational goals Columbia College offers
NextUp support services for current and former foster youth.
Who are NextUp students?
The NextUp Program, also known as CAFYES (Cooperating Agencies Foster Youth Educational
Support), is designed to serve current and/or former foster youth via the EOPS Program
at Columbia College. The goal of the NextUp Program is to assist current and/or former
foster youth with achieving their educational goals.
What are the NextUpEligibility Requirements?
Must reside and in California. (AB 540/CA DREAMers may apply)
Verified foster care placement on or after13th birthdayin any State.
Beunder the age of 26at the Beginning of the Academic Year (Fall & Spring) or previously enrolled in NextUP,
including other Community College Campuses.
Former NextUp students, who enrolled in the program prior to turning 26 are allowed
to continue participating in the program beyond the age of 26.
Be enrolled in at least one unit bearing course with a goal of working towards 9 or
more units per semester.
Individualized Support Options
Columbia College Application Help
EOPS Application Help
Financial Aid Application Support
Academic, Personal, and Career Counseling
Priority Registration
Bookstore, Food, and Transportation "Step-Up" vouchers per funding guidelines
Basic Needs Emergency Grant Application Help
Peer Mentoring
Technology Support
And so much more!
Student Gatherings and Events
NextUp participants are encouraged to attend monthly "Overcome" gatherings that build
connections and create community.
In addition, annual "off campus" field trips are planned based on participant interests.
Special Graduation Day Celebrations.
SMASH events for new and rising Columbia College Students.
Steps to Engage! It's Easy!
Call 209-588-5075 or emailccnextup@yosemite.eduand leave a message to arrange a time to chat about program eligibility and start