Best of the Best Resources for Teaching and Learning
Strategies you can incorporate into any course to improve student metacognition, study
skills and motivation with practical and powerful techniques that can be easily incorporated
into our courses and will improve student learning. Teach Students How to Learn, 1st Ed 2015, Dr. Saundra Yancy McGuire, Routledge Publisher
Single best resource for College professors- It is a simple to use how-to manual for
teaching college level classes. Packed with information in an easy to use format. Tools for Teaching, 2nded. 2000, Barbara Gross Davis, Jossey-Bass Publisher
Chocked full of easy to use rubrics and ideas on peer review:Peer Review of Teaching: A Source book 2ndEd. 2007, Nancy Van Note Chism, Anker Publishing Company, Inc.
The one stop journal for busy faculty members- a quick concise overview of interesting
practical teaching related articles- the one must monthly read.Teaching ProfessorMagna Press
Bibliography of Teaching and Learning Literature
Cole KA, Barker R, Kolodner K, et al. Faculty development in Teaching Skills: and
Intensive Longitudinal Model Academic Medicine, Vol. 79, No. 5 /May 2004
Gabriel Scott, Is Good teaching Caught or Taught? Teaching Professor, June 2018
Gibbs G, Coffey M, The impact of training of university teachers on their teaching
skills, their approach to teaching and the approach to learning of their students.
Active Learning in Higher Education Vol. 5(1): 87-100 2004
Gormally C, Evans M, Brickman P, Feedback about Teaching in Higher Ed: Neglected Opportunities
to Promote Change, Life Science Education Vol 13, 187-199, 2014
Troisi JD, Leder S, Stiegler-Balfour J, et al., Effective Teaching Outcomes Associated
with Mentorship of Early Career Psychologists, Teaching of Psychology Vol. 42(3) 242-247
Andrews TC, Lemmons PP, It’s Personal: Biology Instructors Prioritize Personal Evidence
over Empirical Evidence in Teaching Decisions Vol. 14, 1-18 Spr 2015
Nevins R, FLoden R., Intensive Mentoring as a Way to Help Beginning Teachings Develop
Balanced Instruction, Journal of Teacher Education Vol 60 (2) 112-122 March/April
Auerbach AJ, Higgins M, Brickman P, Andrews TC, Teacher Knowledge for Active –Learning
Instruction: Expert- Novice Comparison Reveals Differences, Life Science Education
17:ar12, 1-14, Spring 2018
Lang JW, Kersting M, Regular Feedback from Student Rating of Instruction: Do College
Teachers Improve their Rating in the Long Run? Instructional Science 35:187-205, 2007
Alstete J, Post Tenure Faculty Development ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Report Vol 27
(4) 2000
Condon, Iverson, Manduca, Rutz, and Willets, Faculty Development and Student Learning,
Indiana University Press 2016