Join us for Columbia College's first Teaching & Learning Summit!
Our first Teaching & Learning Summit will feature renowned speaker and author, Dr.
Saundra McGuire, author of Teach Yourself How to Learn and Teach Students How to Learn.
We are inviting our campus community, local community members, students and educators,
as well as partner colleges from our local region to join us for learning from Dr.
McGuire (and each other) about metacognition (how our brains learn!) and key strategies
that will transform our learning and teaching to improve student success.
We've designed this summit to have something for everyone and meaningfully apply directly
to your role as a life-long learner and educator. There are 3 tracks - one for students,
one for student peer educators/mentors/tutors, and one for faculty, staff and community
educators. Find detailed information regarding the schedule below and register for the 'track' and sessions you are interested in attending:
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 2024 - Student Track (but everyone is welcome!) Register for one or both sessions, all are welcome to these very practical and engaging
sessions with Dr. Saundra McGuire. Space is limited, so save your spot (and your meal)
4:30pm – 5:45pm: Metacognition: The Key Ingredient on the Journey to Excellence (Dogwood Theater)
Free Burritos for Dinner 5:45-6:15pm (Buckeye 104)
6:15pm – 7:45pm: The Key to Acing Courses (and Life!) (Dogwood Theater)
FRIDAY, MARCH 1 - Faculty, Staff, Community & Peer Educator Tracks Register for the track that applies to your role for the day
Peer Educator (tutor/mentor/ambassador) Sessions: Friday, March 1, 8am-3pm
9:00am - Session with Dr. Saundra McGuire: Teach Students How to Learn- Metacognition is the Key! Transforming 21st century students’ attitudes about the meaning of learning and strategies to improve
student success. (Dogwood Theater)
11:00am - Now What? Round Table Discussions (Tamarack Hall/Library)
12:15pm - Lunch (Buckeye 104)
1:15-2:45pm - Increasing Student Motivation: Strategies that Work, panel discussion and activities
(Dogwood Theater)