The Columbia College Data Dashboards are a great staring point for data exploration. The dashboards have information about Columbia College applicants, course enrollment, course success, and more! Contact the Columbia College Research & Planning Office if you need a dashboard created or need help navigating the dashboards. The dashboards provide overviews of broader metrics and may not be able to answer your questions. If you are in need of additional research, contact the Columbia College Research & Planning Office!
This section will provide a brief overview of how to navigate the Columbia College Data Dashboards. Many of the dashboards share a similar structure so learning one can help you learn all of the dashboards. On the left-hand side of each dashboard there is a filter pane which allows users to filter data within the dashboard. If the user would like to reset the filters, click the eraser in the upper right of the pane.
Within most of the dashboards there is a pane called Visualization Settings which allows the user to select a Data view and a Table view. The Data view allows users to select a metric which will be displayed in the chart and the table. The Table view adjusts the row dimension of the table to view the metric across that dimension for comparisons. If you click a row in the table (or CTRL-click for multiple options) this will highlight a comparison in the chart. Sometimes the dashboard my not refresh highlighted areas of the chart if filters are adjusted. To fix this, click the row to remove all highlighting and click the row again.
If an academic year is in-progress the user will notice the academic year in the chart will have a lighter color and an asterisk will appear next to the academic year (i.e. 2023-24*). Additionally, throughout the dashboards you may see "-" in the tables. This means the data has been suppressed for privacy. Please note if the data is suppressed it will not be apparent in the chart. Use the table to determine if a column may be masked. There is a known issue that when highlighting a row in the table with multiple suppressed values it may cause the chart to not display the data.
The Applicants Dashboard shows the number of applicants and the percent of applicants that enrolled within a year of applying. Only applications in which applicants received student IDs are included. The Division, Department, and Program filters all reflect the characteristics of the program that that applicant declared when they applied to the college. Highschool shows a list of the most common high schools amongst applicants. The admit status filter is a self-reported status and may not reflect term enrollment status.
Important Note: Between 2017-18 and 2019-20 there were strange spikes in data indicating fraudulent applicants that received a student ID. Use caution when looking at information for these years.
View the Student Enrollment Dashboard
The Student Enrollment Dashboard shows the unduplicated headcount, term persistence, and FAFSA / Educational Plan completion rates. Any student that obtained a grade, attempted credit, completed credit, has positive attendance hours, or is currently enrolled is included in this dashboard.
Many of the filters in this dashboard are term-based attributes (Modality, Enrollment Status, Credit Load, Program, and Student Groups) meaning the breakdowns in the table may not add up to the total unduplicated headcount. For example, a student may have a different credit load in Fall and Spring in the same academic year. They would be counted twice in the table for each credit load. When using these filters, it may be best to filter down to a specific semester.
View the Course Enrollment Dashboard
The Course Enrollment Dashboard provides section-level information about enrollment characteristics. There is no suppression in this dashboard as all information is at the section level. The dashboard includes the following metrics:
This dashboard shows historical information so there may be cases where the user needs to select older versions of a department or course to view continuous trends. For example, Communication Studies was previous Speech Communication and GIS courses previously lived in Computer Science department. The Section Name filter and table view allows users to look at individual sections. This table view is best viewed for a single term.
View the Course Success and Retention Dashboard
The Course Success and Retention Dashboard provides information about course success and retention rates. The dashboard includes the following metrics:
For increased privacy, demographic characteristics are included in the Table View but are not included as filters.
View the Student Learning Outcomes Dashboard
The Student Learning Outcomes Dashboard provides information about student learning outcomes from eLumen exported reports. This dashboard is refreshed manually after each term. There are four tabs in this dashboard: CSLO-ISLO Mapping, Faculty Participation, CSLO Outcomes, and ISLO Outcomes.
CSLO-ISLO Mapping shows how course student learning outcomes (CSLOs) are mapped to institutional student learning outcomes (ISLOs).
Faculty Participation shows the number of planned and completed assessments, the assessment rate, and the total number of students assessed.
CSLO Outcomes shows the outcomes of CSLO section assessments. This dashboard includes an additional chart to view the percentage breakdown of the CSLO Outcomes by Exceeds Expectations, Meets Expectations, and Does Not Meet Expectations. Users can view particular CLSO outcomes by course by filtering for a particular course and changing the Table View to CSLO. In some cases, the CSLO text can be quite long. Users can change the width of the column by dragging the end of the first row if information is flowing out of the box.
ISLO Outcomes shows outcomes by ISLO for all assessments that have been mapped. In this tab there is a filter where users can select a demographic category. The best way to use this is to select a demographic category, change the Table View to Demographic Subcategory, and continue using the filters to observe differences and trends.
View the Academic Awards Dashboard
The Academic Awards Dashboard shows the number of academic awards awarded each year and the unduplicated headcount of student that obtained awards. Unlike other dashboards, this dashboard has two tabs: Instruction and Student Population. The Instruction tab is not suppressed while the Student Population tab is suppressed and does not have an option to filter to a particular award for privacy.