You can submit your work to the IMC for duplicating in two ways:
1. Work Order Form - Right click on the attached icon and Save As to your desktop. In that way, you can quickly and easily access the form any time that you need it.
2. Using the Form - Once the icon is on your desktop, simply click on it to open. Using your keyboard, fill in all the requested information.
3. Email Page - After you click the Submit button, pause a minute and an email page will automatically appear on your monitor with your completed work order form already attached.
4. Originals/Masters - Now that you've told the IMC what you want through your work order form, you still need to send your originals, or masters for duplicating. Attach your document originals/masters. Different servers have different ways to view and attach documents, so use the one that is most familiar to you. If you need help making an attachment, contact the IMC.
5. Send to IMC - Be sure to include any special instructions or details in your email message. Click Send button and it will automatically be emailed to the IMC duplicating operator for handling.
6. Finished Work - When finished, your work will be placed in your campus mailbox. If it is too large, John Hall can tell you where it is located. As in the past, exams will be placed in a locked drawer for confidentiality and the key is available upon request in the mailroom. If you are unable to pick up your exam materials during the IMC work hours, please call 588-5309 to make special arrangements.
However, be sure to get a copy of our work order form from the IMC so that you can include all the necessary information in the body of your email for the operator, like your user copier code, number of pages, number of copies per page, exam or not, paper selection, date needed, etc. Try to provide as much information as possible because any missing details will delay your job while the operator attempts to reach you.