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Welcome to Columbia College! Located on 280 acres of forestland in California's historic Mother Lode, our college campus surrounds a peaceful 4 1/2 acre lake and has been described as one of the state's most beautiful community colleges.


Facilities Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm

Facilities Office Summer Hours: Mon-Thurs 7:30am - 5:30pm


Receiving Department Hours: Mon-Fri 7:30am-3:30pm

Receiving Department Summer Hours: Mon-Thurs 7:00am-4:00pm




“Work Orders” versus “EMS Requests”

In an effort to ensure that all needs are met, please see the information below.

Work Orders are essentially a punch list of “to-do” items and therefore not day and event specific. Work Orders consist of any safety hazards, routine maintenance and modernizations. While utilizing Datatel, please be sure to:

  • Include details about the work needed
  • Include the location of the work needed (rather than the building you work in)
  • Include the correct contact information in case extra details are required

EMS Requests are date, time and space specific. In order to ensure that events such as these are not overlooked, we request that they are entered through EMS, a system that allows us to sort by date (which we are unable to do with Work Orders) and includes set-up information specifically for facilities, custodial and media needs. Please be sure to:

  • Place your request through V-EMS a minimum of 2 days in advance of the set-up date
  • Include all necessary information for the set-up. Facilities will only provide the items requested in the reservation. For example, if external lights are needed in Carkeet Park for an event, ensure it is on the request.
  • If the request includes items that Facilities is unable to provide, you will be contacted directly.
  • Please keep in mind that the Maintenance Tech’s in charge of set-ups leave for the day at 2:30pm. Therefore, most set-ups/tear-downs will need to be completed by this time. Please contact us directly after placing an EMS Request if there is an extenuating circumstance regarding this.