Catalog production is the outcome of an annual cycle of curriculum review and revision
(courses and awards), as well as changes in policy and relevant information across
the College and District. While the bulk of catalog production takes place in early spring semester, all curriculum
updates for that catalog will have been approved between January and November of the
previous year. Read below for more information on the various types of revisions and
their timelines. Please visit the Columbia College Catalog page for catalogs and addenda.
What drives catalog revisions and when?
Curriculum approved in the current academic year will be included in the following
academic year's catalog.Please see the Curriculum Meeting Schedule for all Committee meeting dates, workshops, and deadlines.
Courses and awards are updated through the review and approval process of the College's Curriculum Committee,
district governing board (YCCD Board of Trustees), California Community Colleges Chancellor's
Office, and ACCJC/WASC Accreditation Commissions. Curriculum revisions included in the 2024-25 catalog are those approved by the Curriculum
Committee between 1/17/23 and 11/7/23 (all curriculum must be submitted by the 10/06/23
launch deadline).
Course articulation information, including CSU/UC "transferability," CSU/IGETC breadth pattern information, C-ID,
AP, and more, is monitored and facilitated by the college Articulation Officer, Juan
Pablo Sanchez. Contact the Articulation Officer for specific articulation timelines
( Articulation approvals received after the catalog is published will be included
in the "Catalog Change Log (Addendum)" typically published in summer.
"Soft content"- content that is non-curricular in scope, is revised annually through a campus-wide
revision process facilitated by the Curriculum Specialist via content experts. In
the fall, the Curriculum Specialist requests non-curricular catalog updates from content experts for the next year's catalog. Soft-content
review is open until the end of January. Governance groups in need of policy revision
approvals should plan for approval at their January meeting at the latest.
Soft content review process: Every catalog page goes through an annualRegular Review during which content owners review pages for accuracy, including the incorporation
of recent YCCD BP updates. Additionally, every catalog pages undergoes a Deep Review every three years which includes:
A review of content for accuracy and clarity. Information should be correct and understandable
to the average reader (e.g. average reading level, steps in appropriate order, use
of bullet points/numbering when helpful).
Verification that content reflects current YCCD and/or external agency policy/procedure
and that all relevant policy numbers are included and correct (reviewer must ensure
that recent updates are incorporated)
Verification that content aligns with any related College webpage content AND a determination
as to whether the information is necessary in BOTH locations (web and catalog; duplication
should be avoided whenever possible, however, reviewers should check ACCJC Catalog Requirements and/or talk with the Curriculum Specialist before removing catalog content).
Verification that policies and information and is equitable and inclusive. Contact
DEI Tri-Chairs for resources.
For questions about curriculum revisions and/or the catalog review and production
process, contact Elissa Creighton, Curriculum Specialist at or (209) 588-5141.