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AAC Embedded Tutoring

The AAC's Embedded Tutor Program places a tutor in the classroom, working closely with the instructor for the duration of the course. The embedded tutor works in the class as:

  • a peer tutor
  • a mentor
  • a model for successful academic strategies and habits

An embedded tutor may offer a seasoned student voice to class discussions, lead small break-out sessions, or provide one-on-one mini-tutorials. Embedded tutors can offer in-class tutoring, help foster connection for the students with college academic support services, and address essential academic skills necessary to succeed in college level coursework.

ALL SERVICES ARE FREE to enrolled students.

How Embedding Tutoring Works

If you are an instructor and would like an embedded tutor for one of your classes, please contact the AAC Coordinator explaining how your students would benefit from this opportunity. If the AAC is able to place an embedded tutor in your course, you and the Coordinator will work together to find the appropriate tutor. The instructor may be responsible for finding a tutor if not using one already employed with the AAC.

If a non-AAC tutor is used, the student must meet the AAC Embedded Tutor requirements (below) and complete all necessary AAC and YCCD student-worker paperwork to be employed at Columbia College, including fingerprinting.

Instructors will be asked to keep in regular contact with the AAC Coordinator and will be expected to mentor and evaluate their Embedded Tutor.  The Coordinator will discuss all responsibilities at the time of inquiry. 

Benefits to Students

Not only will students benefit from an in-class peer perspective, but tutors themselves will benefit from providing this valuable service: 

  • increased understanding of subject material
  • interaction with faculty and increased inclusion in campus life
  • work experience
  • on-campus employment, flexible schedule, hourly wage
  • experience helping others

Embedded Tutor Eligibility Criteria:

  • GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Enrolled in at least 6 units at time of hire
  • Enrollment or completion of Peer Tutor Training Course offered in the fall and spring (TUTOR 100)
  • Recommendation from Columbia faculty for courses the applicant wishes to tutor
  • Completion of AAC Peer Tutor Application and YCCD paperwork/fingerprinting
  • Interview with AAC Coordinator

If you are a student and are interested in becoming an Embedded Tutor, please talk with your course instructor.