Please work with your Division Office or Program Tech/Specialist for your area to coordinate field trips/travel.
Make sure to thoroughly read the YCCD Policies and the Guidelines available on the YCCD Policies and Procedures webpage (refer to YCCD Board Policy 4300 - Field Trips & Excursions and YCCD Board Policy 6-8079 - Student Transportation-Field Trips)
Please follow the procedures in the Field Trip Procedure and Checklist (Instructional & Non-Instructional(pdf)
Please refer to the Field Trip Procedure and Checklist above regarding the forms listed here.
DMV Pull Notice 2022-2023 - Use of District Vehicles(pdf)
CC Instructional and Non-Instructional Field Trip Request form(pdf) (updated 2022, includes a blank non-instructional roster)
Non-Instructional Field Trip Roster
Student Travel Authorization form (pdf) (for students driving themselves)
YCCD Release of Liability / Emergency Contact / Medical Consent(pdf) (updated 2021)