Notice: Dual Enrollment registration forms will only be accepted if signed by a high school official. Unsigned registration forms will only be accepted if emailed from a high school official's email address giving us permission to process them. Please visit Columbia College Dual Enrollment for more information. High school registration formed must be returned to Please do not fax paperwork.
Students my first apply for graduation. To obtain a degree, you will need an approved degree plan in Starfish which can be obtained by meeting with a counselor. Schedule an appointment with your academic counselor to discuss your eligibility for a degree(s) and/or certificate(s).
To find and contact your counselor, please refer to our Counseling Staff page. General Counseling office: 209-588-5109, Special Programs office 209-588-5130 or visit the Counseling Appointments page. See the Graduation page for dates that the graduation application is open for each semester along with other important deadlines.