The Columbia College Health and Wellness Center has free at-home Covid tests for students.
Come by the office to pick one up. If you are feeling unwell, call the office ahead
of time at (209) 588-5283.
To find a local pharmacy or clinic that administers COVID-19 testing,
Every home in the United States is eligible to receive free at-home Covid tests in
the mail.Order onlineor call 1-800-232-0233. For TTY, 1-888-720-7489.
Various pharmacies including CVS, Rite Aid, and others may contract out to perform
COVID-19 tests. To schedule through these pharmacies, contact their pharmacies or
visit their websites online.
Covid Vaccinations
To find a local pharmacy or clinic that administers the COVID-19 vaccine,
Local pharmacies that schedule COVID-19 vaccination appointments: